Arduino/ESP32 based DIY VR Haptic gloves. Compatible with SteamVR via OpenGloves.
翻译 - 用于 DIY 触觉手套的 Arduino/ESP32 固件。正式兼容 LucidVR 手套。
An OpenVR Driver for VR Gloves
翻译 - 适用于VR手套的OpenVR驱动程序
Open-source firmware for VR accessories. Build your own DIY haptic vest, gloves, and more!
a simple and efficient prototyping platform for DIY VR Haptic glove
VR Colored Glove Tracking
VR Haptic Glove Project
NOMI VR Is An Inexpensive, Steam VR Compatible, Open Source VR Headset With Finger Tracking, Haptic Gloves.
VR Haptic Feedback Glove
NOMI VR Is An Inexpensive, Steam VR Compatible, Open Source VR Headset With Finger Tracking, Haptic Gloves.
翻译 - NOMI VR是一款廉价的,兼容Steam VR的开源VR耳机,带有手指跟踪功能,触觉手套。
Arduino firmware for DIY haptic gloves. Officially compatible with LucidVR gloves.
翻译 - DIY触觉手套的Arduino固件。与LucidVR手套正式兼容。
Google VR SDK for Android
翻译 - 适用于Android的Google VR SDK
A starting point for web-based VR experiences that work on all VR headsets.
Google VR SDK for Unity
VR developers necessary resources(VR 开发者必备资源汇总)
A UE4-5 VR framework
VR Arcade Simulator
😎 Create interactive 3D and VR web experiences for desktop, mobile & VR devices.
Create amazing 360 and VR content using React
翻译 - 使用React创建惊人的360和VR内容
Google VR SDK for iOS
VR Player for android