#多媒体#VLC 是一款自由、开源的跨平台多媒体播放器及框架,可播放大多数多媒体文件,以及 DVD、音频 CD、VCD 及各类流媒体协议。
Media Framework plug-in using the Video LAN Codec (libvlc).
.NET control that hosts the audio/video capabilities of the VLC libraries
VLC Android SDK pushed to Maven Central. Primarily used in project tomahawk-android.
libvlc bindings for OS X, iOS and tvOS in Objective-C, official mirror
Python vlc bindings
A bittorrent plugin for VLC.
vlc-client allows to control VLC media player over TCP
VLC extension to download subtitles from opensubtitles.org
VLC Player for react-native
MediaElement clone powered by VLC
VLC-Qt player
play rtsp with vlc
VLC media player lyrics extension