Vitis Libraries
翻译 - 葡萄图书馆
Vitis HLS Library for FINN
VNx: Vitis Network Examples
100 Gbps TCP/IP stack for Vitis shells
Kria Vitis platforms and overlays
Vitis AI Lab: MNIST classifier
Vitis AI examples for KV260
Port of the ZCU104_dpu Vitis Platform to the ZCU106 with instructions to build Vitis DPU_TRD
Tutorial for Vitis AI using the Sign Language MNIST
Hands-on experience programming AI Engines using Vitis Unified Software Platform
A collection of extensions for Vitis and Intel FPGA OpenCL to improve developer quality of life.
This project is trying to create a base vitis platform to run with DPU
Vitis-AI 1.3 TensorFlow2 flow with a custom CNN model, targeted ZCU102 evaluation board.
Custom YOLOv4 for apple recognition (clean/damaged) on Alveo U280 accelerator card using Vitis AI framework.
The project is a simple example about how to use TensorFlow to train a ConNet model from labeled dataset and then use Vitis AI tools to deploy the model into Xilinx FPGA(ZCU102 board). To make it easi...