Pre-trained word vectors of 30+ languages
Simple downloader for pre-trained word vectors
Finding document vectors from pre-trained word2vec word vectors
🔥 Use pre-trained models in PyTorch to extract vector embeddings for any image
A deep matching model library for recommendations & advertising. It's easy to train models and to export representation vectors which can be used for ANN search.
翻译 - 用于推荐和广告的深度匹配模型库。训练模型和导出用户和项目的表示向量非常容易,可用于ANN搜索。
Speech2vec pre-trained word vectors
paragraph vector trained by negative sampling
Political Discourse Analysis Using Pre-Trained Word Vectors.
Quantized word vectors that take 8x-16x less space than regular word vectors
翻译 - 量化字向量比常规字向量占用的空间少8x-16x
List of XSS Vectors/Payloads
Multilingual word vectors in 78 languages
Text to image synthesis using thought vectors
翻译 - 使用思想向量的文本到图像合成
Retrofitting Word Vectors to Semantic Lexicons
Topic modeling with word vectors
Top2Vec learns jointly embedded topic, document and word vectors.
翻译 - Top2Vec学习联合嵌入的主题,文档和单词向量。
Adiantum and HPolyC specification and test vectors
翻译 - Adiantum和HPolyC规格和测试载体
Codenames AI using Word Vectors
Variational Bayes HMM over x-vectors diarization
Using word vectors to classify spam messages