Source code of extensions for Tachiyomi/Mihon and variants.
A collection of 85 minority oversampling techniques (SMOTE) for imbalanced learning with multi-class oversampling and model selection features
🦄 Tailwindcss first-class variant API
JavaScript, SCSS, Sass, Less, and Stylus helpers for rendering high-resolution image variants
翻译 - JavaScript,SCSS,Sass,Less和Stylus帮助器,用于渲染高分辨率图像变体
A huge collection of polybar themes with different styles, colors and variants.
Lightweight static analysis for many languages. Find bug variants with patterns that look like source code.
翻译 - 多种语言的轻量级静态分析。使用看起来像源代码的模式查找错误变体。
An opensource OpenWrt variant for mainland China users.
翻译 - CTCGFW修改的OpenWrt的源代码
Chess variant server
The Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor predicts the functional effects of genomic variants
Utilities and variants for styling Radix state
Chainer implementation of recent GAN variants
machine learning for genomic variants
PyTorch implementation of several SSD based object detection algorithms.
BIC@MSKCC Variants Pipeline
Variant API for plain class names
Extensible records, variants, structs, effects, tangles
Implementations of NeRF variants based on Taichi + PyTorch
Annotation of Genetic Variants
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