Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for Flask applications in Python running in a single container.
翻译 - 带有uWSGI和Nginx的Docker映像,用于在单个容器中运行的Python中的Flask应用程序。可选配Alpine Linux。
Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for applications in Python (as Flask) in a single container.
Docker + Django + Nginx + uWSGI + Postgres 基本教學 - 從無到有 ( Docker + Django + Nginx + uWSGI + Postgres Tutorial )
Dockerfile and configuration files to build a working Django container with uwsgi and nginx
nginx module which adds ability to purge content from FastCGI, proxy, SCGI and uWSGI caches.
翻译 - nginx模块增加了从FastCGI,代理,SCGI和uWSGI缓存中清除内容的功能。
Tutorial on how to deploy a Django application on Linux VPS with Apache, NGINX and uWSGI
Tutorial for setting up Flask with uWSGI + Nginx
A Django sample app running with uWSGI and Nginx on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
Simple blog built with Django and React/Redux, deployed with Docker, and served with nginx/uwsgi.
Apache, Nginx, IIS, uWSGI, Caddy & Varnish blacklist + Google Analytics segments to prevent referrer spam traffic 🤖
毕业设计 --外包项目网站 -- vue+python+flask+uwsgi+nginx
uWSGI application server container
翻译 - uWSGI应用程序服务器容器
Python3 开发以及部署 RESTful API项目(Python3 + Django2.0 + Django REST FrameWork + Centos7 + uWsgi + Nginx)
Basic html5 video-out, rtmp-in streaming service setup using nginx-rtmp-module, hls.js, uwsgi, flask and postgres
Template of Flask app running under Nginx/uWSGI with Bootstrap 3, JQuery, and a number of Flask extensions
#Web 服务器#Nginx 是一个高性能Web服务器、同时也是反向代理服务器、负债均衡服务器
Django + Vue 前后端分离商城项目,采用Docker双容器部署nginx + uwsgi
graceful reload for uWSGI vassals
Official uWSGI docs, examples, tutorials, tips and tricks
Django related examples/trick/modules for uWSGI
NGINX Prometheus Exporter for NGINX and NGINX Plus