The USRP™ Hardware Driver Repository
The USRP™ Hardware Driver FPGA Repository
Material for the Princeton Undergraduate Summer Research Program in Astrophysics
Toy programs for SDR applications
USRP based software defined radar code written in C++ and QT visualization
Digital transmitter and receiver with GNU radio, USRP B200 mini-i, USRP B-210.
Matlab interface for USRP N310
Implement SISO OFDM with BPSK demodulation on USRP
USRP N control packets dissector for Wireshark
nRF24LU1+ (and derivatives) packet demodulator for USRP SDRs
GPS SDR Simulation running on USRP devices in Real-Time
Obtain power spectrum from SoapySDR devices (RTL-SDR, Airspy, SDRplay, HackRF, bladeRF, USRP, LimeSDR, etc.)
Gen2 UHF RFID reader with USRP and GNU Radio. Tested with USRPN200 and GNU Radio v3.7.4
A USRP B200 compatible GPSDO board with the u-blox LEA-M8F