Implementation of Ternary Weight Networks In Caffe
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Implement of BNN(binary neuron network) ,TWN (Tenary weight Network),DoReFaNet, and QUAN on matconvnet.
micronet, a model compression and deploy lib. compression: 1、quantization: quantization-aware-training(QAT), High-Bit(>2b)(DoReFa/Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Ari...
翻译 - 基于pytorch的模型压缩(1,量化:8/4 / 2bits(dorefa),三进制/二进制值(twn / bnn / xnornet); 2,修剪:常规,常规和组卷积通道修剪; 3,组卷积结构; 4,特征(A)的二进制值的分批归一化折叠)