Style your webpage like Edward Tufte’s handouts.
翻译 - 按照Edward Tufte的讲义为网页设置样式。
Starter files for using Pandoc Markdown with Tufte CSS
Content centric Hugo blogging theme styled with Tufte-css
A minimal Jekyll theme inspired by Tufte CSS
A beautiful, fast, AMP-compliant Jekyll theme based on Tufte CSS.
Tufte CSS + Hugo
A Jekyll site styled according to Edward Tufte's ideas about typesetting
A simple Hugo theme based on the Tufte CSS style.
A Jekyll theme for using Tufte CSS with Jekyll + Pandoc
Tufte CSS based Wordpress theme
Tufte Styles for R Markdown Documents
A Tufte-inspired LaTeX class for producing handouts, papers, and books
Edward Tufte on GitHub
E. Tufte slope graph implementation in Python
Minimal Jekyll blog styled to resemble the look and layout of Edward Tufte's books
Documentation about css-modules
🎨 A web component for drawing patterns with CSS.
翻译 - web一个用于使用CSS绘制图案的Web组件。
A mostly reasonable approach to CSS and Sass.
normalize.css 标准化各种元素样式,覆盖部分浏览器默认CSS样式,保留了有用的一部分。并保证了不同浏览器之前的一致性