Symbol fonts required by wps-office.
SVG -> TTF font convertor
A Hassle-Free Way to Self-Host Google Fonts. Get eot, ttf, svg, woff and woff2 files + CSS snippets
my ttf fonts
Converts TTF/WOFF fonts to compact bitmap format
the monaco font improved: add special characters in monaco.ttf
extracts high-resolution emoji pngs from /System/Library/Fonts/Apple Color Emoji.ttf
Support for TrueType (.ttf) font files with Simple Directmedia Layer.
This library includes some kind of digital fonts (not TTF or something, just CoreGraphics drawing)
turns text + (ttf | otf) fonts into gcode
A font editor for creating fonts in TTF, EOT, SVG and BIRDFONT format.
Interrogate and manipulate UFO, TTF and OTF fonts with a common interface
This is a PHP code library for parsing TTF/OTF fonts from file.
Font renaming script for OpenType tables in CFF (.otf) and OT TrueType (.ttf) fonts
Chinese fonts for games: Compressed TTF binaries based on Source Han Sans (Noto Sans CJK).
Source Han Serif TTF
Convert ttf files to woff2.
Iconic fonts scissors
翻译 - 标志性的字体剪刀
This utility takes vector icons in svg format and convert them to icon fonts (svg,ttf,waff,eot) to be display in all browsers.
M+ FONTS For Google Fonts
Patched fonts for Powerline users.
Noto Emoji fonts
Noto CJK fonts