⚡️ TypeScript Execute | The easiest way to run TypeScript in Node.js
Alias to `tsx`
TSX (JSX for TypeScript) support library for Vue
基于vite打包的vue3 + ts + tsx模板项目
⚛️ Boilerplate for isomorphic web app with React server-side rendering in TypeScript
Header files for Intel TSX (Transactional Synchronization Extension) development
基于Vue3.x + Vite + bpmn-js + element-plus + tsx 实现的Activiti流程设计器(Activiti process designer based on Vue3.x + Vite + BPMN-JS + Element-Plus + TSX implementation)
一个Vite 结合 Vue 3 + Typescript + tsx + less + router + vuex + element-plus 的教程示范demo
🔦 [Vim script] JSX and TSX syntax pretty highlighting for vim.
a admin with naive-ui,use vite + tsx
Vite、vue2、tsx、composition-api、vant intergration :)
🦤 Give me MDX/TSX strings and I'll give you back a component you can render. Supports imports!
C# library for parsing and importing TMX and TSX files generated by Tiled, a tile map generation tool
在 vscode 上使用 typescript 和 jsx 开发 ios 小组件的小框架.基于 Scriptable app.
Explicit reactive web rendering in TSX with no compiler, no virtual DOM, and no magic. 1.6kb min+gz.
vue3.0 企业级脚手架,基于vite,采用tsx语法搭建