Transcripts of Clojure-related talks
Changelog episode transcripts in Markdown format 📚
Notes compiled based on AWS E-Learning lessons and transcripts
transcripts and captions for 3blue1brown videos
A node.js library for generating nicely formatted HTML transcripts with discord.js
Transcripts of Frontend Masters Courses
Searchable full-text transcripts of WWDC sessions
翻译 - WWDC会话的可搜索全文成绩单
Generate accurate transcripts using Apple's MLX framework
Convert Youtube Transcripts to Anki cards
Transcripts for the Talk Python To Me episodes
🙏 Hope In Source podcast site (+ transcripts)
Summaries and transcripts of Intro to Programming Nanodegree office hours.
C++ transcripts of the Caffe2 Python tutorials and other C++ example code
Visualization of My Little Pony episode transcripts
Summaries and transcripts of Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree office hours.
Speech recognition tool to convert audio to text transcripts, for Linux and Raspberry Pi.
Easily take an entire YouTube playlist and turn it into high quality transcripts using Whisper.