Watch This Place's awesome video about iterated Prisoner's Dilemma for context!
翻译 - Watch This Place's awesome video about iterated Prisoner's Dilemma for context!
Repository for the Open Tournament Project
unrealTournament game
React components for rendering a tournament bracket
React component library for displaying bracket leaderboards
Laravel Package that allows you to generate customizable tournaments trees. - This project repo is no longer being maintained
Unreal Tournament Engine Reimplementation
Ladder tournament ranking website
Unreal Tournament 2004 Dedicated Server
Quake Arcade Tournament Edition, with dongle protection removed
翻译 - Quake Arcade Tournament Edition,删除了加密狗保护
A Mappool Generator for osu! Tournament Livestreams
NEAT implemented into Monopoly with a knockout tournament scheme
翻译 - NEAT 通过淘汰赛计划在 Monopoly 中实施
Masters of C# is a programming tournament framework. It is based on the Masters of Java (MoJ) tournament framework.
Esports Tournament Platform. Fast. Easy. Open-Source.
Originality, concordance, and consistency checks for submissions in Numerai's tournament.
A giant tournament of all the enemy AI trainers in Pokémon Red
🏆 Manage your Tournament event and show Live views to public
Debating tournament tabulation software for British Parliamentary and a variety of two-team parliamentary formats
Tool for windows which displays pending matches of a challonge bracket. Useful when hosting a tournament to keep the players better informed with what matches are active and who is still in the tourna...
Proof-of-Concept LUFA Project for the Nintendo Switch. Uses reverse-engineering of the Pokken Tournament Pro Pad for the Wii U and Switch System v3.0.0