C#.Net library for TheMovieDB
Responsive React 'The Movie Database' (TMDb) App
A wrapper for The Movie Database API v3.
A lightweight Python library for The Movie Database (TMDb) API. The TMDb API is a resource for developers to integrate movie, TV show and cast data along with posters or movie fan art.
A content based movie recommender system using cosine similarity
The Movie Database Swift Package
Java wrapper around themoviedb.org API v3 using retrofit2 (inofficial).
🎬 Source from The Movie Database (TMDb) in Gatsby
TMDb 5000部电影数据的分析
Android TV tutorial of how to build a TMDB client to browse movies
This is a Golang wrapper for working with TMDb API. It aims to support version 3.
Movies app written in Swift 5 using the TMDb API and demonstrating Clean Architecture, Dependency Injection, MVVM and Coordinators.
IMDB Telegram bot clone using TMDB to get info about movies and TV shows.
Osiris is a movie and show tracker app built with Flutter, Firebase, and TMDb API.
TheMovieDatabase API wrapper for Kotlin