Tinder clone - Expo.
A Tinder Clone for educational purposes
#安卓#Android UI clone of the official Tinder ❤ app
#IOS#Tinder clone application written using SwiftUI, Firebase, Swift Package Manager and iOS 15 features.
Tinder clone for iOS
🔥 A tinder clone for developers
Tinder clone made on reactjs. Uses firebase
A Tinder Clone using Expo & React Native Elements
Tinder Clone in React Native with Swipe Cards
Fullstack Tinder app clone made with React/Ts/Nest
How to swipe and animate Tinder cards in Flutter and build a simple dating app Tinder Clone from scratch.
tinder like react-native deck swiper
Tinder style swipe cards
A Kotlin and Swift DSL for finite state machine
🔥 Python client for tinder api