uprofiler UI,xhprof UI,tideways UI , PHP Non-intrusive performance monitoring platform.
Use Tideways PHP Extension instead: https://support.tideways.com/documentation/setup/index.html
Deprecated, see Tideways/php-profiler-extension
Instrument commands/workers/custom code with datadog, newrelic, tideways, symfony, spx.
xhprof (also tideways) result visualization tool from xhprof repo
Homebrew recipes for Tideways Profiler
🐳 Docker 的 LNMP 一键安装开发环境 + PHP 非侵入式监控平台 xhgui。
Ansible Role - Tideways PHP Extension
A performance monitoring system for running on live sites
A Tideways Middleware for Laravel Octane
This XHProf PHP extension fork has outlived its purpose and is archived in favor of the revitalized https://github.com/longxinH/xhprof
翻译 - 适用于PHP 7的现代XHProf兼容PHP Profiler