Example Spark project using Parquet as a columnar store with Thrift objects.
Multi-vendor thrift-store app built with React-Natiive via Expo-CLI on a Django-DRF backend
A Project where we are building a Thrift Store with a dedicted backend, frontend and ML model [Currently only the frontend is deployed for demo]
Thrift on Netty
Thrift improved
A Thrift parser/generator
🚀 Parse Thrift (IDL) to TypeScript and generate thrift clients meanwhile.
thrift-tools is a library and a set of tools to introspect Apache Thrift traffic.
A native Thrift package for Go
decode/encode thrift message without IDL
Java Thrift 。 基于thrift的rpc框架,在thrift基础上增加负载均衡,连接池,性能监控,通过动态代理使得类似调用本地方法一样与服务端通信。 xoa框架 负载均衡策略默认采用 轮询算法, 也可以自定义使用随机或者加权轮询等。
Thrift for Android that saves you methods
Thrift RPC for php based on workerman.
Facebook's branch of Apache Thrift, including a new C++ server.
翻译 - Facebook的Apache Thrift分支,包括一个新的C ++服务器。
convert thrift to pyi
An HBase thrift wrapper for Node.js
支持thrift协议的纯java版的增强工具集合, pojo直接转换为thrift,json/xml转换为thrift
Benchmark comparing various data serialization libraries (thrift, protobuf etc.) for C++