Gets updates from various clearnet domains and ransomware threat actor domains
Malicious IP source.
Actionable analytics designed to combat threats
Threat intelligence gists
Threat Pursuit Virtual Machine (VM): A fully customizable, open-sourced Windows-based distribution focused on threat intelligence analysis and hunting designed for intel and malware analysts as well a...
翻译 - 威胁追踪虚拟机(VM):一种完全可自定义的,基于Windows的开源发行版,专注于威胁情报分析和攻击,旨在为情报和恶意软件分析人员以及威胁猎人提供快速启动和运行的机会。
Malwoverview is a first response tool used for threat hunting and offers intel information from Virus Total, Hybrid Analysis, URLHaus, Polyswarm, Malshare, Alien Vault, Malpedia, Malware Bazaar, Threa...
翻译 - Malwoverview是第一个响应工具,可在包含恶意软件样本,特定恶意软件样本,可疑URL和域的目录中执行初始和快速分类。此外,它还允许下载样本并将其发送到主要的在线沙箱。
Threat Intelligence Scripts
BlackBerry Threat Research & Intelligence
This script will automatically set up an OSINT workstation starting from a Ubuntu OS.