#编辑器#Eclipse Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.
翻译 - Eclipse Theia是用TypeScript实现的云和桌面IDE框架。
An open source library for multiview geometry and structure from motion
Theia applications examples - docker images, desktop apps, packagings
Glues your website's sidebars, making them permanently visible while scrolling.
The Eclipse IDE is a modern and open IDE for cloud and desktop. The Theia IDE is based on the Theia platform. The Theia IDE is available as a downloadable desktop application. You can also try the lat...
Theia's Website
Theia Workshop - Building Cloud and Desktop IDEs
A Kotlin program used to analyze and discover backdoors in Minecraft Java 1.12.2 forge mods
Eclipse Theia trace viewer extension using the Trace Server Protocol (TSP), through the tsp-typescript-client. Also the home for reusable JavaScript libraries: traceviewer-base, traceviewer-react-comp...
This repository is outdated and has been archived. Please see https://github.com/eclipse-cdt-cloud/vscode-memory-inspector for an updated version of the memory view component
Built-in VS Code extensions for Theia
Integration of Sprotty diagrams into Theia IDE
An example Xtext DSL in Theia with Sprotty visualisation
A Theia Application with DSL support through an Xtext Language Server
A Yeoman generator for extensions to the Theia IDE
To download products provided by Theia land data center : https://theia.cnes.fr
Integration of the web-based GLSP client with Eclipse Theia
The example of how to build the Theia-based app with the custom markdown extension.