Toolkit for efficient experimentation with Speech Recognition, Text2Speech and NLP
Half-Life Text-to-Speech with 6 speakers, including dictionary & autocomplete.
翻译 - 半条命语音转语音,配有6位发言人,包括词典和自动完成功能。
FineTune LLMs in few lines of code (Text2Text, Text2Speech, Speech2Text)
Towards Building Text-To-Speech Systems for the Next Billion Users - Microsoft Research Intern Work - Accepted at ICASSP 2023
Voice2voice ChatGPT Assistant built through OpenAI Whisper (speech2text) + OpenAI ChatGPT API + Google Text2Speech Service (text2speech)
Text to speech for ioBroker
小马配音 文字转语音 声音 配音神器官方API 支持所有编程语言的接口:Java Php C++ C# Python JavaScript Node等 网址: 5秒立刻mp3 wav文件, 52种语音供您选择,电台女声 情感女声 知心姐姐 情感男声 青年男声 磁性男声 软萌童声 新闻男声 儿童音 萝莉女声 湖南重口音男声...