Backup your iPhone SMS text messages.
⛔️**DEPRECATED** ⛔️ A drop-in UIViewController subclass with a growing text input view and other useful messaging features
Encrypted Text Messaging
Deep learning models trained to correct input errors in short, message-like text
Send your friends AUTOMATED text messages from your Mac. Inspired by the bee movie tik tok that went viral.
An auto growing text input bar for messaging apps.
Error message view for text field
Hackable, Weight-Tracking, Text Messaging Scale
Delphi and Lazarus Message Dialogs with Formatted Text
Using PlutoSDR to transfer text message.
FastLED Flexible Text Message Class requires LEDMatrix Class
Simple terminal text message written in java
CAMP: Cross-Modal Adaptive Message Passing for Text-Image Retrieval
Nickel extracts date, time, and message information from naturally worded text.
Discoveries, documentation, and notes relating to decoding ACARS message text.
Demo App: Uses reSIProcate on Android to send a text message
Multi-relation Message Passing for Multi-label Text Classification (ICASSP 2022)
Stable Diffusion 是一个 text-to-image 扩散模型
Microservice native message and event store for Postgres
翻译 - Postgres的微服务本机消息和事件存储
PSR-7 HTTP message library
翻译 - PSR-7 HTTP消息库
Message Security Layer
Disque is a distributed message broker
翻译 - Disque是一个分布式消息代理
Message passing based allocator
翻译 - 基于消息传递的分配器
HTTP Message related tools