Pure Julia implementation of a terminal pager
Simple terminal style landing page
Terminal-inspired, clean, feature-rich and customizable browser start page for geeks. Has built-in editor for customizing.
A java control that displays as an ascii terminal using code page 437.
An asynchronous, runtime data feedable terminal paging library for Rust
📃 Hacker News in the terminal
an old terminal template for html pages
Native Pager in SwiftUI
Segmented pager view with Parallax header
A collection of view pager transformers
Medical Pager Chat App powered by GetStream
翻译 - 由 GetStream 提供支持的医疗寻呼机聊天应用程序
Android pager-style wizard flow sample code
A one pager for emojis on Campfire and GitHub
翻译 - 在Campfire和GitHub上使用表情符号的一页传
controllable pager component for react native
A pager for Android with parallax effect
Creative View Pager easy to use in Android
📟 Links to others' solutions to Projects (https://github.com/karan/Projects/)
Retekess pager system t119 bruteforcer for the flipper zero