A collection of loading spinner components for SvelteJs
Tiny, state-based, advanced router for SvelteJS.
Declarative forms for Svelte
Chat Example Application Using SvelteJS and Chat
a basic example of using monaco editor with sveltejs
A small app to demonstrate use of SvelteJS
Generate a JSON documentation for a Svelte (https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte) component
d3 Force Directed Graph example (d3-force) implemented in sveltejs. REPL:
Svelte 是一种全新的构建用户界面的方法。传统框架如 React 和 Vue 在浏览器中需要做大量的工作,而 Svelte 将这些工作放到构建应用程序的编译阶段来处理。与使用虚拟(virtual)DOM 差异对比不同。Svelte 编写的代码在应用程序的状态更改时就能像做外科手术一样更新 DOM。
Nx Extensions for Stencil, Svelte, SolidJS, Preact, Ionic, and Capacitor
The next small thing in web development, powered by Svelte
翻译 - Svelte支持的Web开发中的下一件小事
A Tauri & SvelteKit desktop app using @sveltejs/adapter-static
SvelteKit implementation of the RealWorld app
翻译 - 现实世界应用程序的Svelte / Sapper实现
Template for building basic applications with Svelte
翻译 - 使用Svelte构建基本应用程序的模板
Ways to incorporate Svelte into your stack
A (very experimental) project to bring WebGL to Svelte
翻译 - 一个(非常实验性的)项目,将WebGL带到Svelte
Monorepo for the sites in the Svelte ecosystem
A soup-to-nuts interactive tutorial on how to build apps with Svelte
The Svelte Language Server, and official extensions which use it
Starter template for Sapper apps
翻译 - Sapper应用程序的入门模板
Webpack loader for svelte components.
Svelte community meetups, packages, resources, recipes, showcase websites, and more
翻译 - Svelte社区聚会,套餐,资源,食谱,展示网站等
An electron app for building Sapper projects