Responsive Sidebar Menu With SubMenu HTML CSS And JavaScript
The best javascript plugin for app look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus for your website and webapp.
翻译 - 适用于应用程序外观的最佳javascript插件,带有可滑动的子菜单,适用于您的网站和webapp。
React component for building accessible menu, dropdown, submenu, context menu, and more.
Pushy is a responsive off-canvas navigation menu using CSS transforms & transitions.
翻译 - Pushy是使用CSS转换和过渡的自适应画布导航菜单。
Android sample app to demonstrate creating submenus for FAB (Floating Action Button)
A responsive multi-level menu that shows its submenus in their own context, allowing for a space-saving presentation and usage.
翻译 - 一个响应式多级菜单,可在各自的上下文中显示其子菜单,从而节省了显示空间和使用空间。
JavaScript library for creating toggled off-canvas multi-level navigations, allowing endless nesting of submenu elements, supporting swipe gestures, keyboard interactions and ARIA attributes.