Official Implementation for "Encoding in Style: a StyleGAN Encoder for Image-to-Image Translation" (CVPR 2021) presenting the pixel2style2pixel (pSp) framework
翻译 - “样式编码:用于图像到图像翻译的StyleGAN编码器”的官方实现
Pytorch implementation of a StyleGAN encoder. Images to latent space representation.
PyTorch Implementation of In-Domain GAN Inversion for StyleGAN2
Various applications based on Stylegan2 Style mixing that can be inference on cpu.
Official implementation of "Designing an Encoder for StyleGAN Image Manipulation" (SIGGRAPH 2021)
Official Implementation for "ReStyle: A Residual-Based StyleGAN Encoder via Iterative Refinement" (ICCV 2021)
翻译 - “ ReStyle:通过迭代优化的基于残差的StyleGAN编码器”的官方实现
stylegan3 encoder for image inversion
[CVPR 2023] E3DGE: An encoder-based 3D StyleGAN inversion framework.
forked from
Official Implementation for "HyperStyle: StyleGAN Inversion with HyperNetworks for Real Image Editing" (CVPR 2022)
翻译 - “HyperStyle: StyleGAN Inversion with HyperNetworks for Real Image Editing”的官方实现
StyleGAN - Official TensorFlow Implementation
翻译 - StyleGAN-正式的TensorFlow实施
[SIGGRAPH'22] StyleGAN-XL: Scaling StyleGAN to Large Diverse Datasets
Implementation of Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of StyleGAN (StyleGAN 2) in PyTorch
翻译 - 实施分析和提高Pytorch的样式语言(Stylegan 2)的图像质量
StyleGAN-Human: A Data-Centric Odyssey of Human Generation
Interesting StyleGAN-related papers. Focusing on StyleGAN inversion.
MSG StyleGAN in tensorflow
翻译 - tensorflow中的MSG StyleGAN
StyleGAN made with Keras
StyleGAN 2 in Tensorflow 2.0
train stylegan through transfer learning
Generate your waifu with styleGAN, stylegan老婆生成器
Generating Cat images using StyleGAN
Convert @NVlabs StyleGAN pkls to @taki0112 StyleGAN-Tensorflow checkpoints (copy over the weights)
The implementation of StyleGAN on PyTorch 1.0.1