SymSpell: 1 million times faster spelling correction & fuzzy search through Symmetric Delete spelling correction algorithm
翻译 - SymSpell:通过“对称删除”拼写校正算法快一百万倍
A spelling checker for Sphinx-based documentation
Spelling corrector in python
Chinese "spelling" error correction
Python port of SymSpell: 1 million times faster spelling correction & fuzzy search through Symmetric Delete spelling correction algorithm
Python 3 Spelling Corrector
Spelling checker action to check spelling in repositories / pull requests / commits
Spelling correction & Fuzzy search based on Symmetric Delete spelling correction algorithm.
Phonetic Spelling Algorithms in R
Fix command line spelling errors like it's 1999.
A seq2seq model that can correct spelling mistakes.
A Wox dictionary plugin that supports spelling correction and synonym.
Clinical spelling correction with word and character n-gram embeddings.
Deep learning spelling patterns with a recurrent neural network
The Obsidian plugin for checking grammar and correcting spelling errors in text.