Advanced Discord Spammer with multiple options and auto scraping proxies!
Best Bombing Tool with WhatsApp, Instagram, SMS bomber
Script that can recursively comment on hundreds of threads on a facebook profile/page. Helpful for handling with extremely non-cooperative customer care units.
Spams GAC (Grab Activation Code) SMS to a phone number repeatedly
Community-contributed list of referrer spammers. Comment +1 in any issue or Pull request and the spammer will be added to the list!
This Is Discord Spammer That Runs 24 x 7 For Poketwo Spawns.
Owl spammer, fastest spammer on cord.
AirDrop spammer / flooder to troll friends
A Minecraft botting tool with Anti-AFK, Chat spammer, Inventory/Chest manager features.
Great script for sending and spaming emails! gmail, yahoo, outlook, hotmail.
A modern Discord server spammer (new version XLV9). MADE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY.
A discord token nuker With loads of options that will screw an account up real bad, also has inbuilt massreport, GroupChat Spammer and Token/Password/Creditcard grabber and so much more!
微博爬虫及配套工具箱,微博用户、话题、评论采集一网打尽。图片下载、情感分析,地理位置、关系网络、spammer 机器人识别等功能应有尽有。Docs: 配套可视化网站: