Eloquent Befriended brings social media-like features like following, blocking and filtering content based on following or blocked models.
A full stack web-app to de-clutter social media by filtering posts limited to geographical locations and sorting them on community reputation! 📸
An open-source RESTful API developed using NodeJS, Express, MongoDB and TypeScript that helps you to integrate User Authentication, E-commerce management and Social Media Post Management in your appli...
A system of bots that collects clips automatically via custom made filters, lets you easily browse these clips, and puts them together into a compilation video ready to be uploaded straight to any soc...
Browser extension to redact social media posts that match word filters.
Meow Media, a social media app for cat lovers. Only accepts cat photos, uses ML Kit to filter them. Connect with other cat owners and share your feline love.
Python Implementation of algorithms in Social Media Mining, e.g., Recommendation, Collaborative Filtering, Community Detection, Spectral Clustering, Modularity Maximization, co-authorship networks.
#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#sherlock 是一个社工查询工具,能从上百个社交网站中检索指定 username 的账号是否存在
Image Sharing Social Media App
翻译 - 图片分享社交媒体应用
Hunt down 570 social media accounts
Track users across social media platform
Social media button styles for Twitter Bootstrap
翻译 - Twitter Bootstrap的社交媒体按钮样式
Social media & camera hacking & whatsapp virus & SMS bombing
Complete React MERN Full Stack Social Media App
Social media share buttons and share counts for React
19 Social Media Phishing Pages #phishing #shellphish #phish
翻译 - 19个社交媒体网络钓鱼页面#网络钓鱼#shellphish#网络钓鱼
Social Media Users Database Managment System
A Social Media Enumeration & Correlation Tool by Jacob Wilkin(Greenwolf)
80 social media icons (sketch, eps, png, etc.)
A free API for generating social media images
19 Social Media Phishing Pages #phishing #shellphish #phish
Mixpost - Self-hosted social media management software (Buffer alternative)