documentations, slides decks...
Lean, hackable, extensible slide deck framework. Previously known as CSSS.
The Original HTML5 Slide Deck
Slide decks from my conference presentations
The skinny framework for creating slide deck from Markdown
Slide decks with editable source files
Slide decks and Instruqt code for Terraform Workshops
Marp for VS Code: Create slide deck written in Marp Markdown on VS Code
A Vanilla.js Single Page App (SPA) slide deck for a presentation about Vanilla.js written with no frameworks.
A deck tracker and deck manager for Hearthstone on Windows
翻译 - Windows上《炉石传说》的套牌追踪器和套牌管理器
A deck tracker and deck manager for Hearthstone on macOS
Emulator configurator for Steam Deck
tinder like react-native deck swiper
vue slide verify online preview
sthlmNord is a LaTeX Beamer slide deck theme inspired by the arctic north blueish colour palette of Nord. The code base is HEAVILY influenced by hsrmbeamer and mtheme. WIP
DECK is a powerful and high performant local web development studio, an open source alternative to Docker desktop
🗂 Kanban-style project & personal management tool for Nextcloud, similar to Trello
翻译 - Next适用于Nextcloud的看板式项目和个人管理工具,类似于Trello
#安卓#Macro Deck transforms your phone, tablet, or any device equipped with a modern internet browser into an efficient remote macro pad. With this tool, you can execute single or multi-step actions seamles...
Stream Deck SDK: Plugin Template