Slack Events API adapter for Python (Flask required)
recommend using the official java sdk from github.
CLI utility to post files and command output to slack
翻译 - CLI实用程序将文件和命令输出发布到松弛状态
Slack Developer Kit for Node.js
翻译 - 用于Node.js的Slack开发人员工具包
A Ruby and command-line client for the Slack Web, Real Time Messaging and Event APIs.
翻译 - Slack Web,实时消息和事件API的Ruby和命令行客户端。
AngularJS module wrapper for the Slack Web API
A framework to build Slack apps using Python
A framework for receiving and interacting with events from Slack's RTM API
Slack Developer Kit for Python
翻译 - Slack Python SDK
Slack Developer Kit (including Bolt for Java) for any JVM language
Open API specifications for platform products by Slack