Mesh triangle reduction using quadrics
Models and code related to sketch simplification of rough sketches.
Text Simplification System and Dataset
🏊🏾 Simplified HTTP request client.
An ultra-simplified explanation to design patterns
Mesh simplification for Unity.
#安卓#Simplify Android M system permissions
翻译 - 简化Android M系统权限
Very fast Python line simplification using either the RDP or Visvalingam-Whyatt algorithm implemented in Rust
High-performance JavaScript polyline simplification library
MyBatis-Plus 是一个 MyBatis的增强工具,在 MyBatis 的基础上只做增强不做改变,为简化开发、提高效率而生。
Symbolic expressions, rewriting and simplification
3D mesh simplification in Go.
Mesh simplification with UV's boundary preserved
Shape Aware Parallel Mesh Simplification Algorithm
Differentiable rasterization applied to 3D model simplification tasks
Batching and simplification of Sequelize with facebook/dataloader
Implements Coron's simplification of Coppersmith's algorithm
Hex-Rays microcode plugin for automated simplification of Windows Kernel decompilation.
翻译 - 用于自动简化 Windows 内核反编译的 Hex-Rays 微码插件。
ESEC/FSE'21: Prediction-Preserving Program Simplification
Marching Cubes & Mesh Simplification on multi-label 3D images.
Ramer-Douglas-Peucker path simplification algorithm in Golang
PHP implementation of the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm for polyline simplification