An using JEDEC's SFDP standard serial (SPI) flash universal driver library | 一款使用 JEDEC SFDP 标准的串行 (SPI) Flash 通用驱动库
A future proof, experimental WebRTC VP9 SVC SFU wit end to end encryption support tarafından sunulan "Kubernetes Temelleri" eğitiminde gerekli dosyaların barındırılması için oluşturulan GitHub repository'si.
Mediasoup based WebRTC SFU
A simple video conferencing example using the mediasoup sfu
WebRTC SFU Sora Unity SDK
WebRTC SFU Sora Android SDK
Pure TypeScript WebRTC MediaServer (SFU/MCU)
WebRTC SFU Sora Android SDK サンプル集
webrtc c++ library for mediasoup with full sfu c++ demo
Open-source low code data preparation library in python. Collect, clean and visualization your data in python with a few lines of code.
翻译 - Dataprep:Python中的数据准备
Coroutine-Oriented Main-Memory Database Engine, VLDB 2021.
翻译 - 面向协程的主内存数据库引擎VLDB 2021。
🏆 WebRTC - SFU - Simple, Secure, Scalable Real-Time Video Conferences Up to 8k, compatible with all browsers and platforms.
翻译 - 🏆 带有集成 SFU 服务器的 WebRTC。视频通话、消息、屏幕共享、录音等等。🏆
Jitsi Videobridge is a WebRTC compatible video router or SFU that lets build highly scalable video conferencing infrastructure (i.e., up to hundreds of conferences per server).
翻译 - Jitsi Videobridge是与WebRTC兼容的视频路由器或SFU,可用于构建高度可扩展的视频会议基础结构(即,每台服务器最多可召开数百个会议)。
Online meeting app like Google meet, build with Flutter for all platforms. using WebRTC for media real-time communication, for signaling & messaging, & Server on Nodejs with SFU architecture