SDL2# - C# Wrapper for SDL2
SDL2 bindings for Rust
翻译 - Rust的SDL2绑定
Haskell bindings to the SDL2 library
SDL2 binding for Go
翻译 - Go的SDL2绑定
Nim wrapper for SDL 2.x
Modern CMake modules for finding and using the SDL2 library as well as other related libraries: SDL2_image, SDL2_ttf, SDL2_net, SDL2_mixer and SDL2_gfx. (Targets: SDL2::Core, SDL2::Main, SDL2::Image, ...
uMario C++/SDL2 Game by Łykasz Jakowski
Common Lisp bindings for SDL2 using C2FFI.
C++ bindings/wrapper for SDL2
Sauerbraten SDL2 Client
sdl2 platformer game blank repository
翻译 - sdl2 平台游戏空白存储库
Paint QWidget by SDL2
Split screen video comparison tool using FFmpeg and SDL2
A (broken) SDL2 game made in 48 hours
ONScripter-jh (SDL2) for PSVita branch
Battle City / Tank 1990 in C++ and SDL2
Paint Qt5 QWidget using SDL2
A small SDL2 game made in 48 hours
This is where all go-sdl2 examples are stored