This is a *REALLY OLD* clone of the Small Device C Compiler. Really, why is anyone staring this repository? No one is keeping this up to date. At all. Goto and get the lat...
CH554 software development kit for SDCC
USB host to Arduino Interface with the Cheap CH559 uC
An updated version of GBDK, C compiler, assembler, linker and set of libraries for the Nintendo Gameboy, Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear.
翻译 - GBDK的更新版本,C编译器,汇编器,链接器和Z80的一组库,例如Nintendo Gameboy。
This is a clone of an SVN repository at It had been cloned by , but the service was since closed. Please read a closing note on my blog...
STM8S Standard Peripheral Library Ported to SDCC for multiple STM8 targets
Code examples for microcontrollers ready to compile with SDCC
gbdk libraries updated for newer versions of sdcc
STC header for SDCC (Small Device C Compiler)
Code Examples for Padauk MCUs using the free-pdk/SDCC toolchain
Convert your Keil C51 C code to SDCC C code in browser. // 在网页中把你的 Keil C51 C 代码转换成 SDCC C 代码。
Examples code for Padauk µCs to be compiled with the Small Device C Compiler (SDCC)
A lite firmware library for STC micro STC89 series MCU based on SDCC complier | 基於SDCC編譯器實現的針對宏晶微电子(STC Micro)STC89系列單晶片的輕量級固件庫
Small Device C Compiler Nuvoton N76E003 BSP
A lite firmware library for STC micro STC11 series MCU based on SDCC complier | 基於SDCC編譯器實現的針對宏晶微电子(STC Micro)STC11系列單晶片的輕量級固件庫
CodeBlocks + Keil_C51编译器 C51单片机学习; CodeBlocks + SDCC开源编译器 C51单片机编译。普中51单片机开发版 stc89c52芯片实验板DIY套件 HC6800-ES V2.0光盘资料