The website. Note that this repository is only for the website; issues with git itself should go to
翻译 - git-scm.com网站。请注意,此存储库仅用于网站; git本身的问题应转到。
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Seamless music for your website. HTML5 music player with continuous playback cross pages.
Adds numbered shortcuts to the output git status, and much more
the blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags
Package scm provides a unified interface to multiple source code management systems.
Jenkins scm-sync-configuration plugin
The easiest way to share and manage your Git, Mercurial and Subversion repositories over http.
Maven SCM Handler for Subclipse
Gerrit SCM plugin for Jenkins CI
Adds Wiki macros related to SCM
Monorepo vs. polyrepo: architecture for source code management (SCM) version control systems (VCS)
This is the master copy of the BitKeeper source
Thor tasks to manage a VERSION file based on SCM tags
Gradle plug-in to generate version information from the SCM branch (Git or Svn)
software as a service - CRM, ERP, PLM, SCM, GIS, ETC...