Scapy 是一个基于Python的交互式网络数据包操作工具。可用于伪造、解码、嗅探网络数据包。
SSL/TLS layers for scapy the interactive packet manipulation tool
Support for HTTP in Scapy
Fake wireless Access Point (AP) implementation using Python and Scapy, intended for convenient testing of 802.11 protocols and implementations.
Great packages that use Scapy
Automotive Ethernet SOME/IP-SD Scapy protocol
EtherNet/IP+CIP dissector for Scapy
A Simple ARP Spoofer using Scapy
MPTCP firewall tester based on scapy
Layer 2 network neighbourhood discovery tool that uses scapy
A scapy clone, with support for additional packet headers
Limited parsing of IEC61850 MMS mappings for scapy.
ICMP Reverse Shell written in Python 3 and with Scapy (backdoor/rev shell)
Script to perform quick 'n dirty fuzzing of PCAPs with radamsa and Scapy.