#静态网页生成器#Gatsby 是一个基于React,用于搭建静态站点的开源框架,用于帮助开发者构建运行速度极快的网站。
The repository for the code of the examples in the book Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP
#区块链#Web-Scale Blockchain for fast, secure, scalable, decentralized apps and marketplaces.
翻译 - Web规模的区块链,用于快速,安全,可扩展,去中心化的应用程序和市场。
#Mysql高可用中间件#ShardingSphere 是一个用于分表分库的数据库中间件,由JDBC、Proxy 和 Sidecar组成
Simple, scalable state management.
翻译 - 简单,可扩展的状态管理。
Optimism 是一个致力于扩展以太坊技术,旨在提升其全球协调能力,让人们能够更有效地构建去中心化的经济和治理系统。
whisper 是一个通用语音识别模型
#计算机科学#Scaled-YOLOv4: Scaling Cross Stage Partial Network
翻译 - Scaled-YOLOv4:缩放跨阶段部分网络
A High Scalability Middle-ware for MySQL Sharding
FxMark: Filesystem Multicore Scalability Benchmark
high scalability && freedom vue ui components
High-performance, high-scalability distributed computing for the BEAM.
A distributed, fast open-source graph database featuring horizontal scalability and high availability
翻译 - 具有水平可伸缩性和高可用性的分布式快速开源图形数据库
Vulcan extends Prometheus adding horizontal scalability and long-term storage
The high-scalability sFlow/NetFlow/IPFIX collector used internally at Cloudflare.
CNI plugin for Kubernetes designed for scalability and extensibility
A High Scalability Solution for MySQL Clustering and High Availability
An eventing framework for building high performance and high scalability systems in C.
翻译 - 用于在C中构建高性能和高可伸缩性系统的事件框架。
An open source, high scalability toolkit in Java for Entity Resolution.
A modular, “mobile-first” CSS framework built with performance and scalability in mind.
翻译 - 一个模块化的,“移动优先”的CSS框架,该框架考虑了性能和可伸缩性。
Collection of tech talks, papers and web links on Distributed Systems, Scalability and System Design.
Bridging the gap Between Stability and Scalability in Neural Architecture Search
oceanbase 是蚂蚁集团自主研发的原生分布式数据库,连续 9 年稳定支撑双 11,凭借高性能和高可用真正实现应用无限扩展和服务永远在线 ,致力于为企业核心系统提供稳定可靠的数据底座。
CNCF sandbox project, an open source distributed time-series database with high concurrency, high performance, and high scalability
Real-time messaging library for Go with scalability in mind. The core of Centrifugo server.