USB Mass Storage bootloader (based on UF2) for SAMD21 and SAMD51
Arduino Core for SAMD21 CPU
Powersave features for SAMD boards
1kByte USB DFU Bootloader for SAMD11 / SAMD21
USB host library 2.0 for Zero/M0/SAMD
Notes on using the Chinese "SAMD21-M0-Mini" board
A port of FreeRTOS that runs on Arduino Samd21 boards
A miniature SAM21G Breakout, in the form factor/pin-out of a Pro Mini.
SAMD21 Development Board with LoRa and GPS
A SAMD21G18 based easy to solder module.
DMA-based NeoPixel library for SAMD microcontrollers (Feather M0, M4, Arduino Zero, etc.)
Arduino Library to gets the Manufacture Serial Number from the Atmel AVR, SAM, SAMD, STM32, and ESP Microcontroller.
USB Host Library for Arduino (added support for the HTC Vive tracker)
Driver for Microchip Technology Inc. 23LC (23LCV) SPI SRAM chips for AVR, SAM3X (Due), and SAM M0+ (SAMD, SAML, SAMC) microcontrollers on the Arduino platform.
Alternative approach for Mouse.h library for Arduino gesture based mouse using MPU6050. For those who don't want to use a Leonardo or other32u4 or SAMD micro based boards.
Light-Weight WiFi/Credentials Manager for AVR Mega, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD, STM32, etc. boards running U-Blox WiFiNINA modules/shields. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custo...