This sample has been deprecated/archived. Check this repo for related samples:
Android runtime permissions powered by RxJava2
翻译 - 由RxJava2支持的Android运行时权限
#安卓#A declarative API to handle Android runtime permissions.
翻译 - 简单的基于注释的API来处理运行时权限。
Simpliest way to ask runtime permissions on Android, no need to extend class or override permissionResult method, choose your way : Kotlin / Coroutines / RxJava / Java7 / Java8
A runtime permission demo based on Google RuntimePermissions Sample
Android library that simplifies the process of requesting permissions at runtime.
翻译 - 简化了运行时请求权限的Android库。
🍓 Permissions manager for Android platform.
翻译 - :strawberry:Android平台的权限管理器。
Android Library to help you with your runtime Permissions.
#安卓#An open source Android library that makes handling runtime permissions extremely easy.
翻译 - 一个开放源代码的Android库,使处理运行时权限变得非常容易。
A simple and beautiful runtime permission library on Android.
a easy API to use runtime permission for Android M
RuntimePermissionUtil-Android is a simple runtime permission util lib which provides simple callback's whenver user grants/denies a permission.
this repository is aimed to adapt android float window permission in most kinds of mobiles and how to request it at runtime
Reset NTFS permission
Android permission explorer 🧑✈️
A unified API to ask for permissions on iOS
Easy check permission library for Android Marshmallow
Visualizing the javascript runtime at runtime
Universal API for request permission and get its statuses.
a permission check or request for android
翻译 - 权限检查或Android请求
#Laravel 库#Associate users with roles and permissions
翻译 - 将用户与角色和权限相关联
aBFT consensus for permission-less networks
🚀 一个基于SpringBoot2+Shiro的权限管理系统,采用Vue+ElementUI前端框架,支持动态路由、Redis监控、日志监控、七牛云储存等,欢迎star, fork
基于SSM框架简单的后台权限管理系统,整合spring + springmvc + shiro + mybatis + easyui。包含许多基础模块(用户管理、角色管理、菜单管理、角色权限管理、用户角色管理、日志管理、数据库监控)。
CoreCLR 是.NET Core Runtime,项目已迁移至