Old Ruby for Good Event Website
Website for Ruby for Good
Human Essentials is an inventory management system for diaper, incontinence, and period-supply banks. It supports them in distributing to partners, tracking inventory, and reporting stats and analytic...
翻译 - Diaperbase是尿布银行的库存系统,可帮助其跟踪库存并提供有关库存流量的统计信息。
RubyforGood Project for the Humane Society of Fairfax County
A mobile first application serving Community Education Partnership (CEP) - https://www.cep.ngo/ . This volunteer used application works in collaboration with https://github.com/rubyforgood/inkind-admi...
Volunteer management system for nonprofit CASA, which serves foster youth in counties across America.
翻译 - 非营利性CASA的志愿者管理系统,该服务为全美各县的青年寄养服务。
Repo for project @ RubyForGood
related to https://github.com/rubyforgood/offline_pandas
A project serving Community Education Partnerships - https://www.cep.ngo/ . This Rails application presents an admin interface for CEP to manage their volunteers and students. And provides a GraphQL b...
翻译 - 一个服务于社区教育伙伴关系的项目 - https://www.cep.ngo/。这个 Rails 应用程序为 CEP 提供了一个管理界面来管理他们的志愿者和学生。并为 https://github.com/rubyforgood/inkind-volunteer 提供了一个 GraphQL 后端。
Supporting children and families experiencing homelessness in Washington, DC. Live app - https://wishlist.playtimeproject.org Organization Website:
翻译 - 支持在华盛顿特区经历无家可归的儿童和家庭。实时应用-https://wishlist.playtimeproject.org组织网站:
Terrastories is a geostorytelling application built to enable local communities to locate and map their own oral storytelling traditions about places of significant meaning or value to them.
翻译 - Terrastories是一个地理叙事应用程序,旨在使本地社区能够找到并绘制自己的口头叙事传统,以了解对他们而言具有重要意义或价值的地方。
An operating system for lending libraries
翻译 - 借阅图书馆的操作系统
A lending library for Babywearing communities that manages baby carrier inventory and memberships
翻译 - 面向婴儿服装社区的借阅库,用于管理婴儿提篮库存和会员资格
Mutual aid management platform for groups who build, support, and strengthen community resilience.
翻译 - 建立,支持和增强社区适应力的团体的互助管理平台。
Open source tracking and inventory management application for nonprofit, Voices of Consent (Ruby for Good 2019)
翻译 - 非营利组织的开源跟踪和库存管理应用程序,“同意之声”(Ruby for Good,2019年)