RRB-Trees in Clojure
Postmodern immutable and persistent data structures for C++ — value semantics at scale
翻译 - C ++的后现代不可变和持久数据结构
RRB-Trees: Efficient Immutable Vectors
RRB-Trees for Clojure(Script) -- see Bagwell & Rompf (moved into Clojure Contrib as of 2013-03-29, see https://github.com/clojure/core.rrb-vector)
Highly efficient immutable list powered RRB-trees implementing the Data.Array API
Racket RRB Tree Implementation
A persistent, RRB-Tree based vector for Rust
Generic, Null-safe, Immutable Collections and Functional Transformations for the JVM
memcached 是一个分布式缓存系统
Tree Style Tab, Show tabs like a tree.
jQuery Tree Plugin
翻译 - jQuery树插件
Golang bindings for tree-sitter https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter
React Tree
C++ implementation of R*-tree, an MVR-tree and a TPR-tree with C API
A tree explorer plugin for vim.
WiredTiger's source tree
翻译 - WiredTiger的源代码树
Claudio's FIGlet tree
Java binary search trees implementations and tests: AVL Tree, Red black tree, Scapegoat tree, Splay tree, Treap
Log-Structured Merge-Tree (LSM-Tree)
"Das U-Boot" Source Tree
翻译 - “潜艇”源代码树
Tree View for Twitter Bootstrap -
Angular JS Tree
翻译 - 角JS树
Skill Tree Sherlock