Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices
翻译 - 嵌入式设备的开发框架
I make the script to install routersploit in termux.
The Router Exploitation Framework
A router Sploit is the core of anyone's internet experience, but sadly most people don't spend much time setting up this critical piece of hardware
Script for installing routersploit on termux
Python based scan tool to exploit home router to turn router as a spy tool - copied from https://github.com/thread9/routersploit
INSTRUCCIONES DE USO 1_show all Aparece un listado de todos los modulos para entrar a cualquier modulo, se escribe el comando ( use ) seguido del modulo a elejir. EJEMPLO use scanners_autopwn 2_...
Special thanks to Ranginang67 for DarkFly (Collection of hack tools), threat9 for routersploit (Wifi cracker) and BOT C0DER for SniperMan (DDoS Attack)
A shell script for easy installation of routersploit tool on termux.
El Framework RouterSploit es un framework de explotación de código abierto dedicado a dispositivos integrados.
can scan multi-ip for one call