Rick Astley invades your terminal.
A website with the auto-playing song “Never Gonna Give You Up” that can be used to rickroll your friends. Please note that this does not fully support Android.
The Rick Roll programming language is a rickroll based, process oriented, dynamic, strong, esoteric programming language. All of the keywords/statements are from Rick Astley's lyrics. Check our tutori...
How to rickroll Spotify for Android
linux kernel module for advanced rickrolling
This website allows users to create their own rickrolls with links that no-one could recognize. Including rich preview for extra deceit on websites that use rich preview.
Chrome extension that blocks Rickrolls!
A node.js application to Rickroll whoever presses your Amazon Dash button.
GitHub Action to randomly rick-roll people who open an issue on your repository.
A kernel module that adds the /dev/rickroll device
Redirects people trying to break your site to Never Gonna Give You Up.
翻译 - 将试图破坏您网站的人重定向到“永不放弃”。