Ruby Interface for C++ Extensions
go.rice is a Go package that makes working with resources such as html,js,css,images,templates, etc very easy.
翻译 - go.rice是一个Go程序包,可轻松处理html,js,css,图像,模板等资源。
My Rice Setup
🎑 Watermarking for the browser
rice, hax, etc
#编辑器#dotfiles for my beautiful rices!
翻译 - 点文件的回购使我的米饭变得美丽
A Cozy rice ❃
🌾 A step-by-step blockchain tutorial in simplified Chinese
翻译 - :ear_of_rice:简体中文分步式区块链教程
A curated list of awesome unix user rices!
A Cyberpunk-inspired Artix rice
First rice for i3-gaps
A Japanese/Nature Inspired Artix Rice
My i3wm rice with theme "Rin : shelter"
Longley-Rice Irregular Terrain Model (itmlogic)
Dotfiles for my rice "Succulent" on Arch Linux.
🍚 react 高仿饿了么
Python API to control Catia
Xiaomi Mi Electric Rice Cooker integration for Home Assistant
Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Scripts: Installation Scripts for My Arch Linux Meta-Distribution
Rice University Bioe 421/521 Microcontroller Applications
🍚 Interactive UI animation engine for the Web. Core renderer for Haiku Animator.
翻译 - :rice:Web的交互式UI动画引擎。 Haiku Animator的核心渲染器。
Rice (Oryza Sative) root microbiome time-course analysis. (Zhang2018SCLS)
Scripts for stat and plot figures in rice microbiome paper