🔮 Let Retrofit support multiple baseUrl and can be change the baseUrl at runtime (以最简洁的 Api 让 Retrofit 同时支持多个 BaseUrl 以及动态改变 BaseUrl).
基于Retrofit2.x和Rxjava2.x封装的请求工具类(内含Retrofit2.x & rxjava1.x)
A Retrofit 2 adapter for Kotlin coroutine's Deferred type.
retrofit.dart is an dio client generator using source_gen and inspired by Chopper and Retrofit.
A demo show how to use Retrofit with Rxjava
A spring-boot starter for retrofit, supports rapid integration and feature enhancements.(适用于retrofit的spring-boot-starter,支持快速集成和功能增强)
Retrofit android demo
LiveData ViewModel Retrofit
Android MVP + Retrofit + RxJava2 实例
Automation of feature engineering, machine learning, model evaluation, model interpretation, eda, forecasting, recommender systems and more.
🚆 Retrofit call adapters for modeling network responses using Kotlin Result, Jetpack Paging3, and Arrow Either.
A Retrofit 2 Converter.Factory for Kotlin serialization.
Kotlin Coroutines await() extension for Retrofit Call
🔥 Retrofit + RxJava + 封装
[⚠️ARCHIVED] A Converter implementation using LoganSquare JSON serialization for Retrofit 2.
⛅ [@Deprecated]RxJava+RxBus+Retrofit+Glide+Material Design Weather App
翻译 - :partly_sunny:[@不推荐使用] RxJava + RxBus + Retrofit + Glide + Material Design Weather App
协程+kotlin + retrofit + mvvm