Lista de empresas com trabalho remoto no Brasil
A list of remote freelance jobs.
Jobs and Tips for remote work
👨💻 A list of semi to fully remote-friendly 🇩🇪 companies in or around tech
Document all things for remote developer positions.
An awesome list of places to search for Remote Jobs.
Remote jobs for junior developers
This is a repository listing companies which offer full-time remote jobs with Spanish contracts
Cron jobs in Ruby
翻译 - Ruby中的Cron职位
Prevents duplicate Sidekiq jobs
翻译 - 确保您的Sidekiq工作的唯一性
Run periodic jobs in PostgreSQL
翻译 - 在 PostgreSQL 中运行定期作业
🕰️ Monitor your cron jobs
Process background jobs in Go
翻译 - 在Go中处理后台作业
Victoria Startup Jobs