DEPRECATED. Android library that integrate sticky section headers in your RecyclerView
Simple Android library that allows you to easily split your RecyclerView into expanding/collapsing sections with headers.
An Adapter that allows a RecyclerView to be split into Sections with headers and/or footers. Each Section can have its state controlled individually.
Easy implementation of RecyclerView with headers and items
An adapter to create Android RecyclerViews with sections, providing headers and footers.
Implement a multi-sectioned RecyclerView using a custom adapter interface.
The project in this repository is an attempt at a simple implementation of sectioned, expandable, grid RecyclerView
MultiState, section, endless recyclerView are made easily by this wrapper adapter.
A library that allows using sections with sticky headers in RecyclerView.
A layout manager for the RecyclerView with interchangeable linear, grid, and staggered displays of views, all with configurable section headers including the sticky variety as specified in the materia...
Android RecyclerView 通用适配器,支持多ViewType,嵌套Section,悬浮吸顶Section,可添加HeaderView、FooterView、EmptyView,底部自动加载更多,自定义Item动画
A iOS like table view including section, row, section header and divider
Pumped up RecyclerView
翻译 - 抽回RecyclerView
Analysis of an arbitrary cross-section in python using the finite element method.
[DEPRECATED] RecyclerView made simple
翻译 - [已弃用] RecyclerView变得简单
An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items.
翻译 - 一个Android动画库,可轻松将itemanimator添加到RecyclerView项目。
Android RecyclerView
RecyclerView-LayoutManager Resources
Mirror of users section of
Control section: Deep Reinforcement Learning framework
翻译 - 深度强化学习框架
A RecyclerView that implements pullrefresh and loadingmore can use it like a standard RecyclerView
翻译 - 一个实现pullrefresh和加载更多功能的RecyclerView。您可以像标准RecyclerView一样使用它
Android RecyclerView Demo
Easy to use ListView with pinned sections for Android.
翻译 - 易于使用的ListView和固定部分(适用于Android)。
A ListView with pinned section headers for Android