Trello like board based on React, Redux, React-dnd
react wrapper components for smooth-dnd
A smooth scrolling container for draggable items
A draggable / droppable React-based treeview component. You can use render props to create each node freely.
HTML5 backend for React DnD [Legacy Repo]
An add-on backend for `react-dnd` that provides support for keyboards and screenreaders by default.
Adds grid support to react-beautiful-dnd
Moved to react-beautiful-dnd-test-utils ⚠️
Test utils for react-beautiful-dnd built with react-testing-library 🧤
Drag and drop (DnD) UI layout builder using React and ImmutableJS
Layering system for React. Useful for popover/modals/tooltip/dnd application
Tradução da documentação do repositório react-beautiful-dnd *Em andamento*
clone of single trello board made with react-beautiful-dnd
A simple task list application based on react-beautiful-dnd
Addon for the 'react-beautiful-dnd' that adds natural dragging animation
A Kanban UI built with React, NextJS, Redux, Material UI, React-Beautiful-DnD, and Normalized Reducer
Use react-beautiful-dnd to create a draggable&droppable Kanban board.