基于知识图谱的电影问答系统。 This is a simple question answering and recommender system on movies (based on Knowledge Graph).
UnifiedQA: Crossing Format Boundaries With a Single QA System
The official repository for paper "It is AI’s Turn to Ask Humans a Question: Question-Answer Pair Generation for Children’s Story Books" accepted to ACL 2022
FAQ-based Question Answering System
翻译 - 基于常见问题的问答系统
QA system on insurance fields
QA system for Stanford Question Answering Dataset
We design models that generate conversational responses for factual questions using expert answer phrases from Question Answering systems.
QA system based on Medical knowledge graph
Evaluation tool for LLM QA chains
CKAN QA Extension
an intelligent question answering system (智能对话系统)
ccf 2020 qa match competition top1
QA tools for Odoo maintainers
Automation QA Engineer - минимум того, что должен знать Engineer из QA и QC
Repo for practising QA Automation
Final project of 2018 WebDatamining in PKU, Automatic QA system based on Chinese WIKI. (基于中文wiki的自动问答系统)
“Библия QA” - это обновляемая база знаний объемом 560+ страниц
翻译 - QA圣经共有163页,内容包括对来自手动QA的真实访谈的问题答案,来自国外资源的有趣内容的翻译以及来自国内资源的汇总。
Korean wiki QA dataset for MRC
flyai 医疗QA NLG
Two-clicks ChatGPT-powered QA documentation
jacana aligner and qa
Evaluate QA models for consistency
QA with the pdf using gpt-3.5