local pypi server (custom packages and auto-mirroring of pypi)
Minimal PyPI server for uploading & downloading packages with pip/easy_install
A regular dump of the most-downloaded packages from PyPI
Example PyPI (Python Package Index) package set up with automated tests and publishing using GitHub Actions CI/CD, primarily for GitHub + VS Code (Windows / Mac / Linux) users
Read the latest Real Python tutorials (PyPI Demo Package)
Generate distribution packages from PyPI
package dos2unix.py for PyPI
Partial PyPI mirror + private package index
The blessed GitHub Action, for publishing your 📦 distribution files to PyPI, the tokenless way: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/pypi-publish
PyPi package to remove ROS topics from rosbags
Facial Expression Recognition with a deep neural network as a PyPI package
Pypi Source Manager: fast switch between different Pypi Source: Pypi, double, aliyun
Utilities for interacting with PyPI
PyPI downloads analytics dashboard
An action to build and publish python package to pypi (https://pypi.org/) using poetry (https://github.com/sdispater/poetry)
Competitive Programming Library - pypi
Easily view PyPI download statistics via Google's BigQuery.